Josh Davies: Team Sentree Code Ninja

Meet Josh Davies
Josh Davies, Code Ninja
What he does at Sentree: He builds the crazy stuff clients want.
Let’s Get Personal
- Hobbies: Coding, Playing Guitar, Writing
- Bucket List Item: Backpacking through Europe
- Family: Three Daughters and a Wife
- Hidden Talent: “I can sing like a song bird.”
Who is someone you admire in the WordPress or Tech community and why?
Josh: Me: Because I’m Awesome.
What is your proudest WordPress or Career moment?
Josh: We add AJAX Filtering and Load More to almost every site we build. I had to build said integration sometimes for 3 or more post types on a single site. So being lazy, I streamlined it by building a plugin so I don’t even have to get involved anymore.
If you weren’t working in web/web tech, what is another career you might like to attempt?
Josh: I’d be a pastor.
Tell us something else interesting about you.
Josh: My Bachelors Degree is in Motion Graphics and Film and I’ve never used it a day in my life because I turned my hobby from the age of 13 into a full-time career.
Josh Davies lives in Baltimore, Maryland with his wife and three daughters. Follow Josh on Twitter: @josh3pic
We’re glad Josh is part of #TeamSentree. He’s one of the many reasons the rest of us love working here!

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